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Почему с одного аккаунта Инстаграм могу найти человека, а с другого - нет?

опубликовал 9-08-2023, 17:24
Почему с одного аккаунта Инстаграм могу найти человека, а с другого - нет?

Ответы на вопрос:

  1. Гена
    Gena 12 августа 2023 00:06

    отзыв нравится 0 отзыв не нравится

    There could be several reasons why you might be able to find a person on Instagram from one account but not from another:

    1. Privacy Settings: The person you are trying to find may have adjusted their privacy settings on Instagram. They might have restricted the visibility of their profile to specific users or private accounts. If the account from which you cannot find them has a public setting, it might be why you are unable to locate them.

    2. Blocked or Restricted: It is possible that the person you are trying to find has blocked or restricted the account from which you cannot find them. When someone is blocked on Instagram, their profile becomes inaccessible and their content will not appear in searches or suggestions.

    3. Connection and Recommendations: Instagram's algorithm determines the content and profiles you see based on your interactions, connections, and search history. The accounts you follow or interact with frequently may affect the search results. Therefore, if you are using different accounts with different connections and search histories, it can influence the profiles suggested to you.

    4. Technical Issues: Sometimes, technical glitches or network connectivity problems can affect Instagram's search function. In such cases, certain profiles may not appear in search results temporarily.

    It is important to note that these are just possible reasons and may not apply in every case. Keep in mind that Instagram's platform is complex, and the visibility of profiles can vary based on various factors.

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